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Details for NSN: 5330-27-008-8992

 ISO Parts Catalog

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Part Name:  CONTA
Shelf Life: 
Unit of Measure:  EA
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Federal Supply Class (FSC): 
5330 - Packing and Gasket Materials

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Part Number Alternate Description Manf. Qty Price
5310-00-177-0892    001770892.5310   WASHER, FLAT      990     Click For Quote
5310-00-177-0925    001770925.5310   WASHER, FLAT      1     Click For Quote
7671C7984210    5310-00-177-0981   WASHER, SPRING      29     Click For Quote
S8157N7-025 REV WK    5310-00-177-0966   Washer/Nut      187     Click For Quote
S8157-N7-025    5310001770966   WASHER      60     Click For Quote
7748743    5310001770892   WASHER      47     Click For Quote
663676    5310001770961   WASHER   59364   84     Click For Quote
5310001770721    NAS1329S06K120   FLAT HD STEEL R      0     Click For Quote
10916658    5310001770862   WASHER   28548   33     Click For Quote
7748743    5310001770892   WASHER   28548   3903     Click For Quote
89HM10906-1    5310001770976   WASHER   28548   38     Click For Quote
S8157N7-025    5310001770966   WASHER,FLAT   28548   1431     Click For Quote
5310-00-177-0966    S8157N7-025   WASHER      100     Click For Quote

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